Sunday, May 21, 2006

It Makes No Since Unless You Read God's Word!

It Makes No Since Unless You Read God's Word!
Posted: Friday, May 19, 2006
- written by jerry golden

We keep hearing George Bush and the EU say that Abbas is a peace partner and Israel must sit and talk with him. In fact, Tizipi Livni our new foreign minister is doing just that, no doubt to keep Bush happy. We now hear our New Prime Minister Olmert openly say things like he will force over 70,000 Jews from their homes in Samaria and Judea once again to make Bush and the EU happy. But now Olmert goes one giant step further and says that he will divide Jerusalem meaning that he will give up the Temple Mount to the Islamic Terrorist rewarding them further for killing us in our public places with suicide bombers. If I am not mistaken this will be the straw that will break the camels back, we read in,


The Holiest place on earth in the Jewish world is the Temple Mount and it’s the place that this and past Israeli governments have left in the hands of the Moslems and under the control of Jordan since 1967. During the time from 1948 until 1967 Jews were not allowed in East Jerusalem, the Arabs built a wall dividing the city in order to keep the Jews out. This is where the Western Wall got its name the Wailing Wall, as Jews cried and prayed over being so close to the most important place in the Jewish world and yet unable to even touch it.

As for Abbas being a peace partner that couldn‘t be further from the truth, he has lost all his power in Gaza and losing it quickly in Samaria and Judea (West Bank) as well. The PA security forces are in large numbers defecting to Hamas, and when Abbas gives orders for them to go to a certain place they simply disobey his orders knowing he has no real power. Yet Bush and others are still saying that Israel must sit and talk with this paper tiger that has lost all his teeth.

In the mean time we are hearing threats from the Aksa Brigades who are under the control of Abbas (so we are told) that if the sanctions are not upheld they will soon regret their decision and Hamas Terrorist well target US, Europe and Israel targets. But even with threats from Hamas and the Aksa Brigades the US keeps saying that we must make more concessions. What is forgotten is the average “Palestinian” voted for Hamas, they knew what they were voting for, so the question must be why should the international community give them anything until they make changes to a non-Terrorist government. Today when we see news clips coming out of Gaza we see men with the Islamic beard and women wearing the Burkas looking more like the Taliban every day. And it has become more obvious that this so-called recent election will be their last now that Hamas has gained power, unless they are rooted out by an outside force. The bottom line is Hamas openly says they will never recognize Israel and they will occupy all the land from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. And that the right or return for all Palestinians and their descendants will never be given up, meaning that all the land taken in 1948 must be returned to them. In the mean time we do much like the US is doing with Iran, we sit still and allow them to get stronger with more weapons from Russia, Iran, North Korea and China.

We have now a new government here in Israel that has lost its way, and no longer recognizes Israel as a Jewish state, but rather some imitation of the western world with no real reason to continue being Jewish. I pray daily that the Israeli people will wake up without having to suffer through another war, but I know what is written and I also pray for the courage to do what we must do to bring this nation back to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

One thing is certain the world will not hear the truth out of Gaza, as the Palestinian Journalist are once again being threatened with harm and even death if they report anything harmful to the Hamas lead government. In the past few years many have been beaten and imprisoned, their cameras destroyed causing many to leave and others to go underground. So much of what you hear is more propaganda than news.

They planned to shot down an El Al airplane.

In Geneva there was a plot to shoot down an El Al airliner full of Israelis but thank God it was discovered and foiled before it happened. It is reported that the Palestinians have obtained dozens of SAM shoulder help ground to air missiles. It’s a nightmare scenario that a commercial airline coming into Israel will be shot down by the Islamic Terrorist, but history certainly tells us that they wouldn’t blink an eye before doing it. In fact, it is one of those times when we can say it is not if but when. Like I’ve already stated in a recent report to you, it will stop all flights into and out of Israel for a very long time. In the mean time a large terrorist attack in Europe or the US and Jews who will once again carry the blunt of the blame. Many are already saying if it weren’t for the Jews and Israel the Moslems wouldn’t be killing us. They are wrong of course but never the less Jews will be running for their lives before it is over and if no planes are coming into or out of Israel, guess how they will have to get here, you got it by boat.

When God first gave me this vision many thought I was crazy, some still do. But if God tells you to build a boat in the desert you have two choices, build it, or listen to the people. So I have been building it, one dollar at a time, and it hasn’t been easy, but then God didn’t promise me it would be easy.

We now have enough money to be serious in buying a larger boat, more finances would mean even a larger boat but we will buy what we can with what we have. I will now confide as best I dare some information, we are not only buying a boat, we have been actively, and still are, in organizing safe houses, routes and others who already own boats. There are people in certain places who would be willing for a price to pick up Jews and bring them to Israel in their boats. So it is very important for us to always keep some finances ready for such an event. I said for a price that simply means someone has to buy the fuel, medical and food supplies, and help some to get to the location to be picked up. But even if we had plenty of money for this coming event, it would do us do any good if we didn’t have the necessary contacts both in and throughout Turkey and Europe as well as here in Israel. The groundwork is nowhere near completed and we must be about this business. The larger boat is not a reality yet and we now know from recent reports coming out of Europe and elsewhere we will need a larger boat and possibly more boats. Connie and I with others who will for now remain nameless for obvious reasons have labored tirelessly and will continue to do so, but we are hindered for lack of finances. If we had a million dollars we would most likely need more before it was over with. But we find ourselves looking for old used boats. It is also necessary for us to help with some finances with those who are working with us, instead of promising it later.

Many reading this has the Ruach Ha Koddesh speaking to them as He speaks to me and He is telling them that time is very important and we must be about the Father’s business. But there is one other thing I must tell you, until we have a decent size boat we cannot talk seriously with the departments here in the Israel Government about picking up Jews and bring them home when the time comes. We have of course made contacts and spoke with many, but nothing can be serious until the boat is a reality and sitting here in Israel ready to go. I know now that God stopped the purchase of the last boat because it was to small. We are now looking at one that is 24 meters and capable of bringing 100+ across the Med to Israel, it has a large motor and can cruise at around 15 knots, it also has sails in case we can’t find fuel.

God has joined a lot of people to this Ministry, many we are not even aware of, it is time for all of us to do our part, the first thing each of us need to do is get on ours knees and ask God, what would You have me do. And when He tells you do it.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden

The Golden Reort


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