Thursday, July 27, 2006

Only God knows, and He calls Israel His, and says His Eyes and heart dwells in Jerusalem. II Chronicles 7:16

Only God knows, and He calls Israel His, and says His Eyes and heart dwells in Jerusalem. II Chronicles 7:16
Posted: Thursday, July 27, 2006
- written by jerry golden


Yesterday 650 French Jews made Aliyah, they came not only in solidarity with Israel at a time of war, but because of the rising tide of anti-Semitism in France. Tens of thousands of French Jews are either preparing to make Aliyah soon or at least buying apartments and houses in Israel in order to be certain they have a place to run in order to save their lives.

Like France the Jews living in London and throughout England are also facing a tidal wave of anti-Semitism and are now faced with a decision of making Aliyah to Israel at a time when the survival of Israel seems so uncertain to so many.

All of this when all we are hearing is the terrible conditions of the refugees in Lebanon, when we ourselves have hundreds of thousands of refugees from the north part of Israel displaced in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. With over a million Jews living their lives in bomb shelters. The difference from what you are hearing in Lebanon is we here in the center and south of Israel have opened our homes and all that we have to help our brothers and sisters, so little if anything is ever said on BBC & CNN and others. Another big difference is in our homes we have bomb shelters in their homes they hide missiles for the Hizbullah and Hamas. A friend of ours who owns a home in Eilat that was unoccupied has received dozens of phone calls to rent it to Jewish refugees who are looking of homes there.

This wave of European Jews will increase until it will be a river of Jews trying to pour into Israel, and God forbid if one commercial airliner is shot down coming in or out of Israel the only possible way for them to get here will be by boats. I remember when God gave me this ministry and vision I was called a lot of names. Today we see that Word from God coming to pass right before our eyes, and we are still not ready, and we still need a considerable amount of money before it is to late. The groundwork in Turkey is no where finished and much needs to be accomplished right away, and it takes cash and lots of it. The boat we need is now ready for us to purchase and we have others with boats ready to assist but they too will need money for expenses, money we just don’t have at this time.

If God has called you to this Ministry now would be a great time to get on your face before God and ask Him what you should do, if not for this Ministry then pray and ask Him how you can bless Israel. You and I are both faced with a time for sacrifice and I pray that neither of us will shrink from our calling from God. Nor will our courage fail in a time when strong men and women are needed to accomplish a task that is beyond the understanding of most or even the ability to accomplish without the presence of the Ruach Ha Koddesh.

Is there any other country other than Israel that could be put on a clock and told how long they have to destroy our enemies? Can you imagine the world telling the US they have only two weeks to destroy al-Qaida? With over a 1500 katyushas rockets now fired into our cities killing and wounding so many, and our soldiers being killed by a Terrorist groups (Hizbullah) that looks like an army but fights like terrorist. They are as well armed as the IDF with bulletproof vest, night vision and RPG’s not to mention the latest in high tech in mines and advanced training all paid for by your petrol dollars through Iran.

What also is not being reported, is Hizbullah wants causalities on both sides not just on the Israel side, for they are fighting two wars, the PR in the News and the ground war with Israel. The pay Lebanese families to hide rockets in their homes and when the IAF flies over dropping leaflets telling the civilians that if they live near the Hizbullah operations they need to move out right away, but many stay as human shields. We try our hardest not to kill civilians and they try their hardest to kill our civilians. Not only does some of the Lebanese civilians get killed but the numbers are always exaggerated and there is no way for anyone to confirm. For example in Gaza it is believed that the population is far less than being reported and when they don’t have someone killed they stage fake funerals, and have been caught several time with drones with cameras doing it, but the BBC & CNN would never report that. And when reporters are shown the destruction in Lebanon they are always guided by a Hizbullah terrorist.

Yesterday in Haifa there was 13 wounded and 64 treated for panic, the towns closer to the Lebanon border have received hundreds of rockets and most of the residence have fled to south Israel. But today we are told that Netanya will be their next target, and possibly Tel-Aviv.

I heard that 25,000 Americans where in Lebanon, shouldn’t someone interrogate each one of them and find out what they were don’t there? Many have already been brought back to the US; I would be very suspicious of these people. I shouldn’t even have to even say why.

We lost 8 IDF soldiers in Bint Jbail yesterday, over 40 were wounded and had to be evacuated under heavy fire. The Arab world sees a weakness in the IDF; they certainly don’t see the same army that destroyed the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967 in only 6 days. Israel needs to deliver a knockout blow and tell the rest of the world where it can go. This morning our inexperienced Prime Minister held a security meeting we understand that on the top of the agenda is, should we do a full scale invasion and get it over with before Bush says enough.

We are fighting a small militia not well organized armies of Iran, Syria and others, and yet we are being forced time after time to come back out of Lebanon from just one or two miles with our tails between our legs. Possibly Olmert should consider bringing back some of the IDF Generals that he and Sharon fired because they didn’t agree with Sharon’s and his Disengagement of Gaza.

I take no pleasure in saying the above, I love Israel and the IDF, I served in the IDF for 7 years and was a soldiers in the 82 war in Lebanon. I just refuse to say all is well when it isn’t.

It is also time for this Ministry to get its eyes fastened on the task before us, and we have precious little time.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden


The Golden Reort


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