Friday, July 21, 2006

Time to take on Iran and Syria directly

Time to take on Iran and Syria directly

Posted: July 21, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Note: Melanie Morgan delivered the following open letter to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Thursday, July 20, 2006.

By Melanie Morgan

© 2006
Dear Prime Minister Olmert:

At a time when challenges and uncertainty confront Israel and her people, I wish to write to you in the spirit of friendship to let you know that so very many American citizens are praying for you and standing in solidarity with and support of the state of Israel.

I am writing to you solely as a private individual citizen, yet I know many Americans share my thoughts and sentiments. I am the host of a highly-rated radio talk show in one of America's largest cities, serve as chairman of the nation's largest pro-troop organization and write a weekly column for one of America's leading Internet newssites.

Over and over again, I have heard from Americans who stand behind you and your struggle against Islamic terrorism 100 percent.

Yesterday, the United States House of Representatives, which rarely can agree on even the most non-controversial of measures, voted 410 to 8 to support you in your struggle with the vicious murderers who comprise the Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah.

At a time when Islamic terrorist groups seek to deny Israel's sovereign rights as a nation and target your civilian population for death, it is paramount that Israel and the United States stand strong and resolute. There can be no surrender to terrorists, no acquiescence to their demands, for the terrorist is motivated not through an embrace of love and a kindred human spirit, but instead operates with the vices of terror, hatred, fear and mayhem.

In your July 17 address before the Knesset, you eloquently explained that the threat posed to your nation was not from the peaceful people of Lebanon or even those living under the rule of the Palestinian Authority.

Rather, as you noted, the campaign of terror being launched against the people of Israel was from organizations who:

"… are nothing but 'sub-contractors' operating under the inspiration, permission, instigation and financing of the terror-sponsoring and peace-rejecting regimes on the Axis of Evil which stretches from Tehran to Damascus."

Unfortunately, this is a point many Americans can understand quite well ourselves.

Until Sept. 11, 2001, Hezbollah had earned the dubious distinction of having killed more Americans than any other terrorist organization in the world.

Meanwhile, more American soldiers have been killed by terrorists who have crossed the Syrian border into Iraq, no doubt with the blessings and backing of the Assad regime in Damascus. The Iranian regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is widely believed to have provided funding, weapons and bodies to fuel the terrorist insurgency in Iraq that has killed so many Coalition soldiers.

Further incriminating the nation-state sponsors of terrorism are the reports by top-level Iraqi military officials telling us Saddam Hussein had his remaining stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction shipped secretly into Syria prior to the commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

There can be no doubt or debate about this fact: The terrorist-harboring regimes of Syria and Iran have been the root cause of much of the instability in the Middle East for the past two decades.

Iran and Syria provide hundreds of millions – if not billions – of dollars in funding to the Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist organizations. (I do not know your own feelings of the media coverage of Hezbollah, but I cannot stand to hear one more supposedly "enlightened" journalist lecture us about the human services provided by Hezbollah. Did the state-sponsored services offered by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime in any way excuse the atrocities he committed against mankind? Of course not, and we should similarly not offer mitigating praise for a terrorist group such as Hezbollah either).

We have all learned together that Iran has been providing medium-range missiles to Hezbollah that have allowed them to kill innocent civilians deep in Israeli territory, as well as striking your naval vessels offshore.

Hezbollah and Hamas both operate offices and training camps in Iran and Syria, and representatives from the organizations are shown on Arab satellite television networks issuing threats of violence against the United States and Israel.

In short, Iran and Syria have both managed to outsmart the civilized world and the hapless United Nations. And neither regime has a desire to see the people of the Middle East living in harmony and tranquility.

These two state sponsors of terrorism have come to utilize terrorist organizations as divisions of their own armies, but they've done so without restriction or enforcement by any world body or nation.

The Lebanese government says it is too weak to purge Hezbollah from it's southern frontier. The United Nations issues meaningless resolutions such as Resolution 1559, but then makes no effort to enforce either the letter or spirit of the resolution. (We in the United States are all too familiar with this pattern, having watched Saddam Hussein defy and flout 16 United Nations resolutions.)

So, under the situation they have created, Iran and Syria can strike out against their shared enemies in the West, and yet no one can ever hold them accountable.

Well, it's time that all came to an end.

The people of the free world must summon the courage to put a stop to this cycle of terrorism, kidnappings, hostage takings and the like.

Making concessions to the terrorists won't stop them. Giving up political or military prisoners won't slow them down either. In fact, in both cases it has proven over and over again to only embolden the terrorists and inspire them on to more deadly acts of violence.

No, I fear the only way these terrorist organizations can be effectively stopped is if the nerve center for their operations are effectively destroyed, and that means taking out their headquarters, facilities, training camps and missile factories in Syria and Iran.

I fear that my government lacks the courage and conviction to take these necessary actions. I hope that you will recognize that the consequence of not taking such steps will create a future that grows ever darker and bleaker as the ability of these Islamic terrorists to strike out and kill American and Israeli citizens grows.

Hezbollah and Hamas both wish to see Israel and the United States wiped off the face of this planet. And if action is not taken to stop them now, they will continue to do everything they can to make their wish a reality.

I hope you will take the necessary action to put a stop to these ruthless and vile killers before they inflict any more pain upon our civilian populations.

With my deepest respect and admiration,

Melanie Morgan

Melanie Morgan is chairman of the conservative, pro-troop non-profit organization Move America Forward and is co-host of the "Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show" on KSFO 560 AM in San Francisco.


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