Saturday, August 05, 2006

Four Israel women killed in Hizballah barrage of 175 rockets Saturday – the heaviest on Kiryat Shemona and W. Galilee. Fifteen civilians die in rocket

Four Israel women killed in Hizballah barrage of 175 rockets Saturday – the heaviest on Kiryat Shemona and W. Galilee. Fifteen civilians die in rocket attacks on northern Israel in four days

August 5, 2006, 10:25 PM (GMT+02:00)

Three of the victims on Day 25 of the war were a mother and her two daughters In the W. Galilee village of Arb al-Aramshe: Fadiya Jum’a, 60, Samira, 33, and Sultana, 31. In an earlier barrage in the Haifa region, Frieda Kellner, 87 died of heart failure when an 11-rocket volley landed outside her home. Six people were injured in Haifa’s Kiryat Motzkin, Kiryat Haim and Kiryat Yam, which suffered major damage to homes and cars, as did Kiryat Shemona in the afternoon. A mortar shell seriously injured a soldier at his border post. Friday, Aug. 4, 3 Israelis were killed at Kfar Mughar, Majd el-Krum and Deir al Asad by 220 rockets, which also hit Kiryat Shemona, Sdeh Nehemiya and Safed. Friday night also saw the Hadera area hit for the first time by a Khaibar-1 missile, identified by military sources as a 302-mm made in a Syrian-Iranian munitions factories in Syria. This brought Hizballah’s offensive to within 45 km of Tel Aviv, the deepest yet. Majd el-Krum between Haifa and Carmiel was hit at the same time by a long-range Fajr-3. Thursday, Aug. 3, was the deadliest day of Hizballah’s rocket offensive against the northern Israeli population. At least 200 rockets left 8 civilians dead in the port of Acre north of Haifa and in Maalot Tarshiha further east. The day before, a member of Kibbutz Saar near Nahariya was killed by a direct rocket hit.


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