Saturday, May 12, 2007

Job Thieves: How Bush And Pelosi Secretly Conspire - Tom Paine

Thursday, May 10th was a whirlwind day on the political frontlines in the War on the Middle Class, as a handful of senior congressional Democrats and the White House—cheered on by K Street lobbyists—joined forces today to announce a “deal” on a package of trade agreements that could impact millions of American workers and potentially calls into question the entire election mandate of 2006 (I say potentially because the full details are still being concealed by both Democrats and the White House). You’ll notice the irony of the deal with just a glance at the front of the New York Times business section—the deal was agreed to (though its details have still not been made public) on the very same day the U.S. government reported another widening of America’s job-destroying trade deficit. (end excerpt) Americans are just too stupid to care. Only the pangs of hunger and homlessness will awaken them. Ask the reprobate in the Range Rover if he even knows about this... or cares as he carreens down the highway with a cellpohne in one hand and a soda in the other, getting a full 10 miles per gallon, aiding terrorists of every stripe with his gas-guzzling Al-Qaeda funder. The voters from both parties (90% of adults) are too clueless to care. Never forget, I say to those on the Left, it was Clinton who brought us NAFTA and if Hillary gets in there, the war will continue, despite what her promises are. She will prove to be as honest as her husband. You will get more 'Well, it depends on what the meaning if is, is..." type prevarications, while our troops remain in Iraq and our southern border is opened as wide as possible and your job is shipped to India. Remember that Senator Kennedy thinks that you should be forced to house illegals in your home if they have no place to stay. Real wages have steadily declined and both parties want to accelerate that trend, and keep it secret from you. Folks both parties are determined to sell you down the river and rob whatever you have left just before your raft goes over the waterfall. Yes dear readers, your Democratic Congress loves you... like a glutton loves his lunch. But I must confess the more I look at my fellow Americans, I just don't think they deserve any better than the sufferings of those whom they have victimized for decades. I fear that as Americans lose everything, I will not be able to weep for them, but only say to them you were warned and warned and felt that slaughtering babies was more important than life; snorting coke was more important than helping the poor, and waving a blood-stained flag in an idiotic display of patriotism was more important than turning on your thinking cap. I will turn my attention to those who still care about what God has to say and turn my attention to my fellow man who still have ears to hear and are not obssessed with how they can afford their next gas guzzler or how they can fit their next vacation on their overcharged credit-card or how they can sleep with their neighbors wife, or husband... or both. In short, I, in my hart of hearts, do not believe that this nation, as it travels in its current direction, towards the twin cities of Sodom and Gommorah, is worth trying to save. The scarey part it is, I know that is God's opinion too, though he will wait for folks individually to repent. For those of who who want some scripture on this, read Ezekiel chapters 7-9. With the great blessings God has given us comes great responsibility. We have failed and done so with such a stubborn impudence that God is never going to forget it. Never.Don't be stubborn, don't be impudent... REPENT! Seek the Lord while he may be found.


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