Saturday, May 05, 2007

US House Passes Hate Crimes Law Would Outlaw Bible & Christianity Bush Promises Veto

US House Passes Hate Crimes Law
Would Outlaw Bible & Christianity
Bush Promises Veto

(A-O Newswire) - Perhaps ironically, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a new "hate crimes" law on the designated, National Day of Prayer. The House bill would make it a crime to to speak negatively about Homosexuality. The House passed the legislation 237 to 180. It would make it easier for federal law enforcement to take part in or assist local law enforcement prosecutions involving "bias-motivated" attacks.
The legislation is so loosely worded that the courts could easily judge the Bible and church sermons to be considered "hate" speech and thus outlaw the Bible and sermons. It will also prohibit churches from discriminating against employing pastors or church workers who were homosexuals.
Essentially, the legislation is the opening of the door towards governmental regulation of churches and religious activities and censorship of the Bible itself.
Mainstream media is not covering the long-term ramifications of the legislation and is instead portraying the law as a societal positive. CNN coverage for example has failed to note that the legislation would reach into church pulpits and or censor the Bible, itself. Why? Mainstream media is being managed to convey the New World Order agenda.
The legislation is the first major step towards outlawing genuine Christianity and turning genuine Christians into criminals. Christianity and Christians must be destroyed so that the New World Order can achieve its global government and bring on the Antichrist.
This latest move by the House of Representatives may or may not stand. The US Senate still has to approve the measure and then the President must sign the new law into effect. The White House has threatened to veto the bill before the debate and vote on the bill. While Bush might veto the bill, don't look for such a veto to be the end of the matter. Bush is in a position where he must veto the measure or lose Christian base that has become his last large base of support.
Should Bush not veto the bill, he would alienate the last constituency he has left. He would effectively have no political support left for anything remaining on his agenda. For that reason alone, he is forced to support the idea of a veto. His veto will likely hold though because it would appear that there is not enough support in the House for a two-thirds majority to override the veto. It will re-surface, sooner or later if vetoed.
Sooner or later, the concept will become the law of the land. It may take another two years, when Democrats take over the White House in 2009, assuming there are elections and the Democrats win. Should martial law develop instead, due to say war or a terror attack, look for the Bush administration to find alternate ways and means to censor Christianity, the Church and the Bible. One way or the other, genuine, Biblically-based Christianity in America is on its last legs. It's hard to believe genuine Christianity will have the freedom to be pursued in America in another 5 years.
More details on the House legislation here. More here.


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