Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama's Thirty Silver Pieces

Obama's Thirty Silver Pieces

Liar and traitor to his supporters. That is what Obama is. Here is a guy who started to really win supporters back in November with a courageous stand with Senator Dodd to filibuster any bill with retroactive immunity. Today he not only does not filibuster the bill but votes for it, not even Hillary did that. On such a pivital issue that energized so much of the party (stopping domestic spying) behind him and separated him from the other candidates, he now changes his tune... 180 degrees. This is why I always say, never listen to what these leaders of ours say but always watch very carefully what they do.

Well, there are a lot of very, very, pissed off Obama supporters and many of them are bombarding groups with e-mails withdrawing support for Obama. Well, it is not too late. He has not received the nomination yet and it would only take a few Super delegates to get rid of this charlatan and keep him off the ballot. Listen. This guy has made many promises to reel in Big Oil. What does that mean to him? To ensure that profits for Big oil get bigger and gas prices rise? He has promised to withdraw our troops in a year. What does that mean to him? Is he using the Plutonian Solar Year, which is 248 earth years. Maybe that is what he meant, we would withdraw from Iraq in the year 2256.

America does not need another liar with no integrity in the White House whose first loyalty is to criminals (they are the only ones who need immunity) and not the people.

I realize that this appears by some observers to be some sort of political maneuver to embarrass Obama by members of both parties. I also realize that keeping ones word under pressure is what we expect from a President. Obama has failed. Protecting Criminal behavior with retroactive immunity is a clear sign that Obama plans on politics as usual in DC. Enrich the rich, impoverish the poor, spy on Americans and let corporate crime go punished. I also know that what I will only call the 'hand of darkness' was pushing very hard for this immunity and it has the power to reach out and touch Obama and his airplane, if it wanted to.

So What happened in the Senate between last November and now to cause such a wind of change in FISA votes? Well, Obama's Plane had a rather serious incident, Ted Kennedy had what media reports call a stroke, Chris Dodd has had some of his dirty mortgage laundry aired in public and all three did not support the original bill. Well, to these trained eyes, that tells me that someone has been very, very busy and whatever message was being sent to other Senators was received, loud and clear.

This two party system, as I stated in my last article (What Is Truth?) is the real problem. Obama is just the latest political fungus that has sprung up from it. He has demonstrated he can lie like the devil and will say anything for political power. He will fit right in to the seat of Lucifer located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

It is time for each and every one of you to think very seriously about a third party vote. I know I will vote third party. The only thing you are going to get from the Democrats and GOP is protecting crime, facilitating crime and turning a blind eye to crime which today is called 'moving to the political center'; that being something both parties agree on.

Now the military will be patrolling Cyberspace and they are looking for a 'few good contractors' to help them spy on you. Where is Blackwater when you need them? The Democrats are the GOP in drag. There is no difference between the two. Since taking over both Houses of Congress they have done nothing but rubber stamp everything the Bush wants... and hold a bunch of useless, go nowhere and meandering hearings. At this point, as loopy, old and out of touch as McCain is.. I really hate to say it... he is probably the better choice. Those who know him tell me that he is not nearly as bad as his image is. Obama. I cannot stomach a liar, now or ever. Politicians get one chance to lie to me and only one. Obama just used it up. I will never beleive another word that comes out of his mouth. What did you get for your treachery Obama? Well, here is what the last guy got.


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