Saturday, March 04, 2006



Dorothy A. Seese
December 23, 2005

A profligate nation parades its sins.

Never in this nation's history has its judiciary had the unmitigated gall to openly attack the worship by Christians of their Savior and call it a "constitutional" issue!

The once famous quotes by the nation's founders and early practicing Christians have disappeared from sight and from new books. It's a denial by the United States that Christians are entitled to openly practice their faith for fear of "offending" the illegal aliens, legal immigrants, and people of different faiths or atheists. These "potentially offended" aren't required to be tolerant of the Christian's right to free expression, but want tolerance for their own? And our judicial activists are supporting this open denial of Jesus Christ when they still take oaths on the Bible?

We aren't just a secular nation, we've become a nation of reprobates, denying the truly constitutional rights of Christians and attacking the name of Jesus Christ openly for all the world to see. Even military chaplains are being told not to use the Name of Jesus ... how can a Christian, whose faith embodies the Name, not use it?

This is an open attempt by those in high places to attack and defeat Christianity in a nation with a strong Christian heritage. One might ask, "why?"

Christian seminaries have been infiltrated with doubters and activists who intend to meld this faith in with all others for their "global religion" ... one of the three major pillars of Global Governance. They're giving to Caesar what belongs to God ... final authority. Well, it isn't theirs to give. It is not the work of the judiciary to tell Americans what they can and cannot do with respect to worship. That is clearly spelled out in the First Amendment, to be taken as written and not stretched to cover free expressions such as the display on private property of one's faith. But even apart from constitutional rights, the Christian puts God above all else, and remains true to Him and His word in the face of persecution and death.

If the judiciary attacked the open practice of Judaism in this manner, the Anti-Defamation League and other Jewish organizations would be all over their hides like a pox. The judicary allows the teaching of Islam in schools and punishes teachers and pupils for mentioning the Bible or Jesus Christ. If the people cannot see that this activism is anti-Christ, what will it take?

What sort of land is this? It isn't America! This is a sad and hollow imitation of America, a land filled with lust and covetousness so that it is no wonder the activists and their supporters are "offended" when told such conduct violates the Ten Commandments (which are as Jewish as they are Christian).

This is globalism at work, just a sample of things to come when the globalists decide to press further in their mind-control and behavior-control programs. Those who feel smug at having the courts at odds with all forms of Christian expression will find one day that their own pet programs, unless approved by the global elite, are banned or restricted.

The world we face today is most assuredly not a "brave" new world, but a cowardly one in which the people have elected their own slavemasters and then bow to them in fear and trembling! That is beyond disgusting. It is quintessential idolatry, the worship of man and bowing to the fear of man-made rulings. It's a denial of Christ, and all that the faith stands for. To tremble at mere men, mere mortals, subject to the same aches, pains and ills as the man in the gutter drunk, is shameful beyond description.

By pulling the strings of mammon and threatening people's jobs; by making company policies that violate basic freedoms; by holding a black-hearted, black-robed judicial activist's ability to make rulings that are antagonistic to the word of God, and set them above the final authority and word of Almighty God, they create the sort of travesty of our faith that the globalists (or Commutarians, or NWO, any name for the same evil monster) want to produce. Where does it lead?

Christians who bother to study their Bibles know that a silent faith in the face of overt rulings to shame and deny our faith and hide it in the closet is to face denial by Christ at the judgment ... so there is no fear of God in their hearts and it speaks of a people who really have no commitment to their faith. Are such of the Kingdom of God? Let the word of God speak on that subject ... the answer is "no." Go look.

Those who are willing to kowtow to "Caesar" and render to the establishment that which belongs to God will reap the reward of the globalists, which is final destruction.

Those who defend the faith once delivered will in due time reap their reward, which is eternal life. Again, go check the Bible passages on the subject. If that's too much trouble, just as it's too much of a bother for the average American to find and read, understand and uphold the Constitution, then they deserve to lose the opportunity to avail themselves of both a free America for all, and a glorious reward hereafter.

But then, people who are willing to believe they somehow got here out of the icky slime of past eons and consider their distant relatives in the zoo as offspring of their progenitors, don't deserve much more than the cages in which the apes are kept and fed.

Can the Great Whore of Babylon be any worse than America today? Tomorrow will tell.

© 2005 Dorothy A. Seese - All Rights Reserved


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