Monday, June 12, 2006

NWO Plans for the 6-6-6 RFID Chip


Satan's Cool Tool:

NWO Plans for the 6-6-6 RFID Chip

It seems to never fail. Just when I'm launching on a new project with a time deadline, some news item crosses the desk that just blows us away and stirs us so emotionally that it is hard to focus on anything else for awhile. Such has proven to be the case this weekend as we began preparations for the weekly AO Newsletter.

We came across a 2-part article presenting a grim picture of the near future that involves efforts to bring in the technology that will most likely be what the Book of Revelation, chapter 13 is referring to as "The Mark of the Beast."

We won't try to do our own in-depth analysis or commentary on these latest developments when there's a tremendous article already on the internet that does this for us. We simply wanted to make it known to every AO reader and hope that every reader will take the time to read the entire article - both parts. We warn you though, that it is a long article and in the beginning you might be tempted to stop early into the article thinking its just a rehash of history. To stop without reading it all, would be a mistake.

The article starts out slowly but builds midway into Part 1 with new information on plans to "Chip" everyone - and we do mean EVERYONE, perhaps without even letting us know that we are being chipped.

This information just blew our minds as we read further into the article even though we were already familiar with much of the information. What really got to us is HOW the efforts are going to be introduced in a variety of different ways. One of which will be through some sort of martial law crisis involving some biological "emergency" that requires everyone to become immunized and along with it, an unrealized "chip" smaller than the ones we presently know of, which are large enough that you'd know and realize this wasn't an ordinary shot.

The only question in our minds about this new microscopic chip version is how many have been manufactured already? Is it possible that the Bird Flu emergency epidemic that has been forecasted is not merely an accidental disease but a planned "biological terror attack" foisted by the NWO so that all humans will be forced to accept a "shot" that will contain an almost unseen RFID chip injected into the body unknown to the recipient? IF so, how many have been made now? Is it possible that the reason Bird Flu didn't materialize as an epidemic yet is because the NWO crowd is waiting on the manufacture of enough vaccine and chips? Could it be that a manufacturing delay has delayed the disease itself?

Equally disturbing is the revelation that the chip is likely to be more dangerous than any disease, spiritual considerations aside. The end of the article notes the Prophetic implications not merely with Revelation 13 but also of Revelation 16:2 which states that those who have the "Mark" will develop grievesome sores.

The article points out the very nature of the technology and its microwave implications are deadly in their own right. However, its not merely the "Chips" but also cell phones and cell phone technology as well as even cordless phones that are even now very dangerous to the human body!

After reading this article, if you're like us, you're probably inclined to throw away your cell phones and cordless phones and go back to the old-fashioned cord phones.

What we're going to do is give you a brief summary written by the author of the article then we'll feature certain, selected super-critical excerpts - so you don't miss some of these points and so that you can be on the lookout for them - and read them in full context of the article. Then we'll have the link to the article at the bottom of this page.

NOTE: Both Part 1 and 2 are heavily footnoted. The numbers in parenthesis are for those footnotes at the bottom of the article so you can go to the sources for confirmation.


In part one of this series, we documented how the USA of George W. Bush has morphed into a fascist (public-private collaborative) police state under the guise of "national security" and "war on terror." While our ruling serial killers have never been brought to justice for their 9/11 atrocities, civilian and military snoopers now read our mail, listen to our phone calls, sniff around our Internet activities and monitor our financial transactions. They use national security letters and computer data mining to track our activities and assess our every motive and intention. But this is only the beginning.

Big Brother's most cool tool-wireless and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies-now enable our controllers to far surpass the Orwellian vision of 1984. Four main pillars of the totalitarian master plan are:

a national identification system linking all humans to electronic cards, tags or subdermal microchips containing personal ID numbers and biometric data

a central data base containing sperm-to-worm information on each numbered citizen

a wireless tracking system capable of instantly deciphering the location of any citizen encumbered with an electronic ID device

a nationwide wireless (WiFi) network of surveillance cameras linked with internet systems allowing police and intelligence command centers to watch everything everywhere

Big Brother's most cool tool

will be "hotter" than the hinges

of Hell.

Bodies bearing these chips will be continuously bombarded with

incoming and outgoing microwave radiation, most likely in the

megahertz or gigahertz range, the same frequencies employed by

cell phones.

Last October, Time magazine gave a plug to implantable ID and bio chips, stating they could save lives.(102)

But people who have active chips imbedded in their bodies

will be dead men walking.

The human body is not compatible with microwave radiation and

bodies subjected to it 24-7 will ultimately be destroyed.

And thus we see how cleverly Americans are being manipulated into

this crucible by killers in the White House, and by the most corrupt

Congress in history and by the amoral, money-grubbing corporate

megalith they all rode in on. In the name of national security and

public health-millions of non-discerning citizens will allow

themselves to be micro-chipped like dogs, tracked by satellite and

stripped of all privacy as they become the virtual slaves of a techno-

tyrannical surveillance state.

AO Ed Note: This should explain yet another reason why God

should and will destroy America, the Babylon as the most evil nation

in human history. There are many reasons, but this is one of them.

In reading this article, at this point, we're reminded of passage in

Revelation 18:23b

"for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy

sorceries were all nations deceived".


IFFFFFF this is the case - humanity's FREE WILL is gone.

When human free will no longer exists - there is NO NEED for the

Gospel because it will be OF NO EFFECT!

Our point - if there's no free will for humanity to decide yea or nay on

God's salvation program then GOD MUST ACT! If for no other

reason, God will be "forced" to act in judgment on Earth.

It is this reason, we believe that Divine Wrath finally falls on the

planet. It is also for this reason that we believe that the RAPTURE



Remember Ist Thessalonians 5:9

"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by

our Lord Jesus Christ,"

With that said, we're not appointed to the Divine Wrath, and if there

is no longer human free will because of the "MARK" then what

purpose is served by the body of Christ being left to endure the

wrath when witnessing the Gospel will be "of no effect?"

It can't be for punishing Believers for sins - because Jesus Christ

already died for our sins. We are already clean in His sight. The New

Testament epistles already make this plainly obvious, especially in

Paul and Peter's writings. Therefore, IF indeed, humanity becomes

mind-controlled robots - the only recourse for the Lord is to take His
Own out of the chaos prior to the Wrath that is coming.


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