Monday, July 24, 2006

Peace Hasn’t Worked – Give War a Chance

Peace Hasn’t Worked – Give War a Chance

Commentary on the News
Friday, July 21, 2006
Jan Markell
In spite of John Lennon, we must give war a chance. I know that sounds harsh. War is truly hell. It is always a last resort. Innocent people suffer but sometimes it is a necessary evil in a fallen world. But I have gotten the impression over the years that the West--and particularly Americans--seem to have a mentality that what happens "over there," wherever "over there" is, is not worth giving it a lot of thought. And a few months after 9/11, Americans weren't even giving that a lot of thought.

Many people, Christians among them, have almost become desensitized to the ongoing violence in the Middle East. "They're at it again." "It's the everlasting hatred and I can do nothing about it." "This will blow over." "It really doesn't affect me."


The war in the Middle East now is OUR WAR. Even though it began 58 years ago in that region, new battle lines are always being drawn. The West is a target. America is a specific target and particularly as it concerns Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is NOT just an enemy of Israel, it is an enemy of America. Before al-Qaida entered America's consciousness, Hezbollah was our chief enemy among terrorist organizations--more so than Hamas, Yaser Arafat, Islamic Jihad, and many more. For more than twenty years, Hezbollah has been shedding the blood of Americans. In 1983, Hezbollah killed 241 Marines as they slept in their barracks in Beirut. They killed 19 Americans in the Khobar Towers attack of 1996. They have kidnapped American diplomats and hijacked TWA flight 847 in 1985. FBI Director Robert Muellher has confirmed that this past spring Hezbollah agents were caught trying to enter the country illegally through the Mexican border. They raise funds in America. They have "summer camps" in America teaching kids how to hate us according to Steve Emerson's 1994 film, "Jihad in America." A Hezbollah member was behind the plot to attack U.S. subways a few weeks ago.

They don't act alone. They are the murderous proxy of Iran. Iran is to Hezbollah what Taliban-controlled Afghanistan was to al-Qaida. Since at this time neither Israel nor America are willing to tackle Iran directly, (though that could change any day) we must take on their lackeys. But the larger problem is Iran.

The war in Israel is "an act of criminal aggression" according to the "international community" (not America). Is there any nation in the world that would tolerate missiles being fired at its cities as well as captured soldiers likely to be killed, without taking every reasonable step to stop such activity?

Israel, like America, is doing everything reasonable to minimize civilian casualties, and not always with maximum success. Outfits like Hezbollah, Hamas, and al-Qaida want to maximize civilian casualties yet the world laments their plight. Have you ever seen such an upside down world--good being called evil and evil called good? (Isaiah 5:20)

I'll say it again....and again...and again. This is everybody's war: Bombay. Bali. Madrid. London. Cairo. Israel. America. Argentina. Kenya. Canada. Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. But the world doesn't get it. Islamofascism seeks the destruction of Israel and the West and then its take over with the world ruled by Sharia Law. It is more dangerous than the Nazis as Islam loves death. Those who follow Judeo-Christian principles love life and celebrate life. Islam has no interest in "accommodating us" or "having conciliation with us." And it will not end with the "recapture of 'Palestine.' "

Israel is doing the world a favor, but, as usual, they are seen as the super-aggressors using excessive force. Thus, there is pressure to stop the war before the goal is accomplished. The goal? The destruction of Hezbollah.

I have asked friends and polled a bit myself: Has your church prayed for this situation? Has it talked about this from the pulpit? Has it written about it? Categorically they have said that not one word of this has been mentioned in their church other than perhaps in small groups. Christians need to be reminded that God has chosen that speck of a land on the map to be His place of resistance to evil in the world and all who try to move the millstone will hurt themselves (Zechariah 12-14). Praying for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps. 122:6) is not an option--it is a commandment.

Israel is doing our dirty work. Can the church at least not pray for her and the West stand behind her? Her war is everybody's war. Radical Islam is using Hezbollah as a proxy to destabilize the West, raise oil prices, and create global economic instability. That is why we must give war a chance since giving peace a chance has accomplished very little.


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