U.S. losing its superpowers?
Posted: July 24, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Craig R. Smith
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
The United States is considered one of the only superpowers left in the world. Yet we are force-fed by the media that we have no ability to win the war in Iraq. Israel is hailed to have one of the finest air forces and militaries but if critics on the left are correct, they cannot defeat the terrorists known as Hezbollah. Is this true or can wars still be fought and won and allow peace to follow?
Fact is, we can win in Iraq if we will turn a deaf ear to the voices of appeasement on the left and project the force necessary to rid Iraq of the sub-human elements that feed off death and chaos. Look at the numbers.While the world obsesses over Israel waging a real war with real bombs and real results in defending their nation against Hezbollah; ''insurgents'' in Iraq kill an average of 100 civilians a day. I don't hear any criticism of the disproportionate force being used by the psycho suicide bombers. The suicide bombers, with their warped sense of reality, are fighting a war and they know that death is part of it. The only folks in the world who believe you can fight and win a war without death are liberal Democrats and Socialists. Socialists would surrender their freedom for the promise of a warm meal, a job and their ever-elusive dream of a peaceful utopian world where everybody gets along.
In World War II we lost approximately 92,000 soldiers in the Pacific theater. After careful consideration and mounting losses Truman made a decision that would affect thousands of civilians. He unleashed ''superpower'' on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Up to this point there had been a 15-to-1 ratio of Japanese soldier deaths to Americans. After the smoke settled, the destruction gave way to peace. Why? Japan could ill-afford further losses or there would be no Japan. They could have elected to fight to the end. That would have been their choice. But there would be no sushi bars in L.A. had that strategy been followed. We will never know how many lives Truman's decision ultimately saved but it had to be made and it was right. The cause of freedom birthed a peace that has lasted to this day between Germany, Japan and the world. One side won, one side lost and the world was a better place.
We could win in Iraq if we wanted to, however,the fallout from the process would make Chernobyl look like a small spill of bleach in comparision. The left would be screaming at the horrific cold-blooded decision to kill so many innocent people. Hey, I got news for you. In this war we are currently fighting, the War on Terror, there are no innocent players. You are either with the terrorists or you are not. Terrorists in Iraq, Lebanon, Iran etc. cannot function unless they have the assistance of the local population. Citizens not only refuse to identify the terrorists, they also provide shelter for their sorry butts and their weapons. So if you live in Baghdad or Beirut and you are harboring terrorists and a rocket hits your home – tough nukies. When you impede a superpower in their goal of freedom and peace, you do so at your own peril.
U.S. troops are fighting for freedom and to establish peace. Terrorists fight to bring about bondage and death. When will the left get it into their thick heads that we are the good guys? We are the ones who want all men and women to be free. To have peace you must have sacrifice. Terrorists never want peace. They never want freedom. Look at their track record. They must kill and intimidate because no one wants what they offer. Think it through. The best you can be in their world is a murderer so you can get your ultimate prize – 72 virgins. I can't imagine what they tell their daughters. 'Honey, grow up to be a good girl and Allah will take you to paradise a virgin where you will spend eternity being raped by murderers.'' Sound like quite a deal to me. Talk about the proverbial ''used car'' salesman. These folks are sick. For the world to even consider negotiating with these sickos may just make us sicker in the head then they are.
Israel has learned through years of living with an enemy sworn to Israel's destruction that you can never appease or negotiate with an enemy that seeks annihilation at any cost. Israel has left the Gaza, returned 97 percent of the West Bank, left Lebanon over six years ago and what are the Syrian and Lebanese ambassadors saying? ''We must resist any way we can this harsh Israeli occupation.''
There has been no peace since Israel gave in on all Arafat demanded. What has occurred is the rearmament of Hezbollah with 13,000 rockets and the increase of terrorism worldwide. The world is finally coming to grips with the fact that radical Islamic leaders want their enemies destroyed (i.e.: Israel and America) and they want all citizens under their power. And if they don't do as they say, torture and death will soon follow. Is that what the world really wants? Is Kofi Annan ready to leave his plush digs at the U.N. building to live with goats in Darfur?
We have a chance, now that Israel has been brave enough to defend herself, to once and for all rid the world of radical Islamic terrorists. We should give Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaida, and all that use terrorism as a weapon a simple message. Stop or die. Learn to get along with the rest of the world or we will remove you from planet Earth. There will be civilians killed in the process. By design? No.By default.
That is, unless the civilians get wise and expose the thugs who terrorize their communities and country. To do less is to say they agree with the terrorists; in which case, they deserve to be on the trip with the terrorists headed for Allah. Either you are for freedom and peace or you are for bondage and chaos. Choice seems simple to me. If those choosing freedom and peace outnumber those who aren't and the freedom fighters' weapons are superior – the freedom folks win. What is so difficult about it? Black and white with no room for Chris Matthews' Ivy League bull –.
The world now knows the U.N. is powerless to do anything other than churn out worthless resolutions that get thrown into the trash. That is until a country like America or Israel is willing to enforce them. The U.N. is great at criticizing any nation that stands for freedom and peace, but other than that they are irrelevant. Show me one terrorist who ever adhered to a U.N. mandate. We know the terrorists are intent on building strength and ultimately acquiring nuclear weapons.
It's nonsense that having U.S. troops in Iraq breeds more terrorists. It's nonsense that Israel is creating more suicide bombers. I guess U.S. troops in Europe created more Nazis? If we want to stop the recruitment and building of terrorist organizations we must eliminate the regimes that support them. Syria, Iran, and Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia would be a great start.
It is time for a superpower to step up and finish the job. Will it be popular? No more than the horror of seeing Nagasaki and Hiroshima going up in smoke, but it must be done sooner or later or terrorism will continue to grow and fester. New York, Madrid, London, Mumbai, Beirut, Bali ... I could go on and on. They all have one thing in common: radical Islamic terrorists. Will we wait to satisfy the appeasers until Iran has nuclear weapons? Do you really think they are five to 10 years away from having them? Don't kid yourself. The next plane leaving Pyongyang could have a North Korean nuke on it for delivery to Tehran or Damascus. We live in the Federal Express age.
The time has come. We are the superpower and the objective should be clear. Remove radical Islamic terrorists from the world. Millions, if not billions, will thank us in the future. Just ask Harry. Or we could ask Todd Beamer. His words would be simple and steeped in truth and sacrifice for the better good. Let's roll.
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