Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Iran and Russia Expanding Islamic War Against US And Israel

Iran and Russia Expanding Islamic War Against US And Israel

By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst

WASH—Jun 4—KIN-- Iran and Russia appear to be expanding the Islamic war against Israel and the West at a time when the United States is trying to withdraw from the battle front. Sunday, Iranian President Mahmaud Ahmadinejad said that unrest in Lebanese refugee camps and recent rocket attacks from Palestinian positions in Gaza signaled the countdown to bring an end to Israel. Meantime, Ahmadinejad’s second most favored target, the United States, made arrests of four Islamic extremists who were plotting to place explosives on jet fuel supply lines in order to blow up John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

Former Pennsylvania Republican Congressman Kurt Weldon, who was vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, outlined in his 2005 book “Countdown To Terror” that Iran, had developed a coordinating committee on terrorism called the “Committee of Nine.” Weldon said this committee, which has been operational since April of 2003, “supports and manages international terrorist operations, working with al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Ansar al Islam, and other major terrorist groups.” The current unrest in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon is because they are training camps for a branch of al Qaeda, which is exporting terrorists to fight in Iraq and in Israel.

Iran’s hand in coordinating terror activities is not well publicized by the mainstream media or by the U.S. government. Iran, however, has been a financial supporter and weapons provider to Hezbollah, al Qaeda and Hamas, which is using Gaza as a staging ground to shell innocent Israeli citizens with hundreds of missiles. And Russia supports Iran’s efforts by providing weapons and technology. In recent weeks, federal authorities have uncovered two major terrorist plots—one designed to massacre hundreds of troops at Fort Dix in New Jersey and the other to destroy JFK International Airport. Both were apparent independent cells of Islamic extremists.

In addition to the JFK plot, Federal authorities also cited several thwarted terrorist incidents, including the ejection from the country of three teams of Iranian intelligence agents taking pictures of possible target sites in New York. There has been increased terrorist activity in the U.S., Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan since the U.S. has begun its conciliatory approach toward the sponsors of terrorism highlighted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Syria and President Bush’s authorization of talks with Iran and with terrorists in Iraq. Iran appears to be behind much of the activity. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”


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