Saturday, March 04, 2006



Dorothy A. Seese
November 25, 2005

Matthew 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Test time is coming, fellow believers, and it is God's Spirit alone that shall uphold us in the trials ahead. We shall be called upon to declare our allegiance -- to the new world order or to Jesus Christ. Be forewarned. Be faithful unto death.

There's little use to try and "prepare" for the trials and tests ahead of us as the heathen New World Order (or Global Governance Elite) attack American Christians with the idea of stamping out this "religion" that teaches there is but one way to God and that is through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior! Our fellow Christians around the world are facing tests, and too many of the liberal churches in America are more than willing to "pray for the martyrs" as long as martyrdom is over there and not on this continent and not in the United States.

News flash: Persecution of Christians, in court, on the job, in the school system, in social settings, even in our homes by neighbors who set the law on us about trivial things such as harassment, is going on in the United States. Now. It has been going on for years, case by case, item by item, and either we do not read the articles or we consider a single article as a weird case or some fluke. These cases are more numerous now, and growing more flagrant. At last, the heathen have been able to shove through "hate" legislation under the guise of anti-discrimination, presumably to protect believers in other religious systems, only to reveal by their attacks that the real intent is to indict the Christians who adhere to the faith once delivered, to the literal truths of the Bible, and to the belief that Jesus Christ is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.

God calls certain behaviors SIN. It has been the practice of Christians for two thousand years, and of the Jewish people from the time of Moses to the time of Messiah, to agree with the Torah (the Law of Moses) that there are thoughts and deeds that constitute SIN. It is the doctrine of the Christian faith that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and having paid OUR sin debt in full, was resurrected from the dead, thus guaranteeing not only our salvation from the power and penalty of sin but from eternal punishment for that sin.

Sin has been a part of the nature of unregenerate man since the fall of Adam. Many denominations call this our "sin nature" and still others have different titles for it. Whichever, it is well described in the sixth and seventh chapters of Romans. Sin dominates the unregenerate heart and tempts the regenerate soul through fleshly desires. Our ability to overcome this provocation by sin in the flesh resides with the power of the Holy Spirit resident within us, sanctifying us each day as we yield to the things of the Spirit and overcome the deeds of the flesh.

Among those acts described as sin are homosexuality in all its variant forms. Marriage between man and woman was instituted by God, when He made Adam and Eve husband and wife. Adam's fall into sin brought a sin nature into his being and into his offspring, all of us. From before the foundation of the world, God knew that Satan would cause man to sin, and thus provided for the redemption of His elect by the sacrifice of His own Son as the final payment for the sin of the whole world, although it is efficacious only for those who receive Christ.

To accept anything other than God's moral standards and His definition of sin is to disobey God and thus give sin free rein in one's heart. Sin leads to sin, a downward spiral, as described in Romans 1:20 ff.

Thus far, no one in the United States is openly challenging that pedophilia is sin, or that incest is sin. Rape is not only sin, but a crime with corresponding punishment. Why, then, is homosexuality so important to the agenda of the New World Order? Essentially, it contradicts the Christian doctrine and provides a way to get rid of this "nuisance God" once and for all (something Rome's emperors tried and failed to do). Another is that it attacks the nuclear family and allows for the State to be the supreme being in all matters including morality, law, accountability and activity. It is as antithetical to Christian doctrine as any activity can be, called an abomination by God, and punishable by death under the Law of Moses as well as under the beliefs of the Christian faith. These beliefs came from the same source -- Holy Writ.

It is not Christian doctrine to hate anything but sin. Our Great Commission is to go and preach the Gospel of Grace to all nations, making disciples. If a person rejects this gospel call, he is free to go his own way and accept the consequences.

The founding fathers of America were well aware of the antagonisms created by religious belief. To prevent one denomination from oppressing another, this clause begins the First Amendment to the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Hate crime legislation designed to protect believers in other religious systems from harassment or persecution has now been turned, as was its purpose, to direct harassment, persecution and punishment at Christians for freely exercising their right to their belief and their right of free speech.

I consider this a declaration of war between the New World Order's minions and the Christian faith. As a Christian, my allegiance is first to my Lord and my God ... whatever the consequences. If He is God, then I am in the greatest ark of safety ever created. If He is not (a hypothetical position only) then no one on earth has any hope at all, because man has a track record of moral and political failure, of injustice and cruelty, of debauchery and hatred, of atrocities and inhumanity, dating back as far as there is any record of mankind. The world would do well to be without such a race permanently should the hypothesis "there is no God" be real.

But it isn't true, God is, always has been and always will be.

Thus there comes the day of Final Judgment, as it is written. The Lord Jesus Christ promised us tribulation, and we shall have our share at the hands of evil men and perverse court systems. The "tolerance" being promoted for the sake of the New World Order is onerous to many who will not speak out against it, but the Christian, called upon to state his or her position, must confess Christ or be denied by Him, and stand in obedience to His laws against sins and the sin nature.

Flawed as my feeble nature is, I am redeemed by His blood, and to His commands I shall stand true. Where I fail and repent, He will forgive and restore. But I must never deny Him or He will deny me before the Father. There is nothing on earth so filled with "gravitas" as the question, "do you believe Jesus Christ is your Savior and your Lord?"

Are you ready to answer that at the point of a gun or a bayonet? Think about it. Then lean on His grace for all things needful to pass from this earth into the Kingdom of God.

© 2005 Dorothy A. Seese - All Rights Reserved


Blogger Serena said...

That was a good one. Thanks for posting it, Shummer!
Love and shalom,

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 12:41:00 AM GMT-4  

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