Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hook In the Jaw Foreign Policy

Hook In the Jaw Foreign Policy
to Give Iran Nuke Technology
Bill Wilson

By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst

Wash—June 7—KIN—The Bush Administration’s foreign policy of spreading democracy even if terrorists are elected and offering nuclear technology to a terrorist regime not only sends confusing signals to a world that looks up to the United States as a standard-bearer of liberty, but also takes great strides toward cementing America’s position in end-time prophecy. In Zechariah 12:9, the Lord says, “It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” President George W. Bush has said he will support Israel militarily in the event of an attack from Iran, but his actions have been to support policies that are against the best interest of Israel as well as the interests of the United States.

President Bush is the first U.S. president to publicly support a Palestinian state. In that support, he has overseen the election of a terrorist organization to govern a future Palestinian state. These terrorists, Hamas, are funded by another terrorist state, Iran. Iran has been belligerent toward both Israel and America. Now, the Bush Administration reportedly has agreed to reward Iran’s belligerence and its support of terrorists by giving them nuclear technology if only Iran would agree not to use it for evil purposes and to stop enriching uranium that could be used for nuclear weapons.

Flashback to 2004: Senator John Kerry, waging an aggressive attack against Bush in the presidential campaign, suggested giving Iran nuclear technology in return for guarantees that the terrorist state would not produce a nuclear weapon. At that time, the Bush Administration and most conservatives dismissed the Kerry proposal as “rewarding terrorism.” Now, the very same proposal has been offered by the Bush Administration in a classic “What ever were they thinking?” scenario. This agreement has the support of Russia and China, and there is absolutely no way to verify whether the cunning and crafty Iranian Revolutionary Guard will comply with the effort to prevent them from making a nuclear bomb.

Many Christians wonder where America will stand in the end times given the condition of our nation. The Lord spoke in Hosea 7:13 of the fate of a people who turn their backs from Him. He said, “Woe unto them for they have fled from Me; destruction unto them because they have transgressed against Me; though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against Me.” Many are praying for a revival in the United States and that the nation will turn from its wicked ways of homosexuality, of abortion, of allowing cultural Marxists to prevent the recognition of God and of America’s nonsensical policies toward Israel and known terrorists. And so we must continue to pray, even more, to act.

We must continue to pray for President Bush.


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