Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Truth, morality: 4-letter words in liberal lexicon

Truth, morality: 4-letter words in liberal lexicon

Posted: June 13, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Mychal Massie

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Liberal politicians and the liberal media have shown us just how biased and amoral they are. Consider that they attacked the FBI for doing its job in gathering evidence against corrupt Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., but offered no condemnation when Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., displayed the character traits of his father.

While Kennedy junior's late-night driving under the influence didn't involve water and death, it did involve a crash (under the influence) right in front federal officers – who, as any reasonable officer in the same situation would do (sarcasm intended), gave the inebriated young congressman a ride home without penalty – some suggest at the behest of his father. Liberals have offered no measurable rancor for Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., assaulting a federal officer in front of dozens of witnesses, even though one can deduce her assault of the officer was racially motivated – unless one believes she would have done the same thing to a black officer.

Now, they are going to all lengths possible to downplay the long overdue death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. What kind of morals do these people have? The answer is none.

Liberal bloggers went so far as to suggest a conspiracy pursuant to the timing of his death. A liberal Democrat site claimed that his death "[wasn't] such a big deal." They claimed he was a fringe terrorist, not responsible for the bulk of the terrorist activity. Richard Clarke, Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio, liberal politicians, et al., all tried to downplay the significance of Zarqawi's blessed fate as nothing that would shorten the war.

Their hand-wringing lamentations were feigned concern for the terrorist retaliation that "might" follow. Reporters conjectured that military intelligence did little – rather, his death was brought about by those who wanted to create a power vacuum for their own nefarious reasons.

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., stated he wasn't "sure" that bombs even killed him. On the one hand, his not being sure a half-ton of pinpoint, laser-accurate ordinance could have killed Zarqawi is understandable. Dementia is not unusual in many his age. On the other hand, Murtha's statement may have to do with his readying an accusation hinted at by liberal reporters asking if Zarqawi had been shot after the bombs hit.

Liberal, anti-war, anti-American politicians and their lycanthropic mainstream media allies will not find any good or applaud any successes of the most advanced military machine in history. They will not because they cannot. They cannot because to do so would force them to acknowledge that no matter how superior the team, no team can succeed without superior leadership at all levels. To do that would be to credit the president. Some try parsing things, claiming to support the troops, but not the war. That is code-speak for not supporting the president.

The technological military advancement, the precision and leadership it took to kill an inhuman animal like Zarqawi was incredible. The gathering of information, the interpretation of same and finally the application of said information into operational schematics is extraordinary. Yet jaundiced individuals, questionably unworthy of being called Americans, bastardize and minimize the efforts of brave men and women in their finest hour.

We were witness, yet again, to liberals' incomparable duplicity as they paraded around Mike Berg, father of Nicholas Berg, who was beheaded by Zarqawi, playing and replaying his hate-filled, bitter comments. Yet these very same people, literally, only hours before had been assailing Ann Coulter for accurately pointing out said tactic.

One must ask where the balance and fairness was in presenting only the hateful recriminations of a bitter father. I have stood with families who lost family members at the hands of terrorists, who weren't bitter and hate-filled. I digress to say I believe Mr. Berg has every right to grieve his lost. However, his banausic vitriol does nothing to honor his child's memory.

These people are determined to show forth our military in the worst possible light. They take isolated questionable incidents and portray them as pandemic. They curse our troops, find them guilty and take the word of murderers over our finest.

They ratchet up their anti-war screeds with "Bush must bring the troops home, it's been three years – we can't win." The fact is our troops are winning and the liberals can't stand it. It has been three years – so what. It took America 11 years to go from the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution. Building a democracy from scratch doesn't happen overnight.

Upon his arrival in eternity, Zaqawi found out that there are no amorous virgins and that hell and Satan are real. I say we should salute the military and encourage them to help more of his brethren come to the same realization.


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