Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Is Annapolis a Betrayal, Delusion, or Bluff?

Is Annapolis a Betrayal, Delusion, or Bluff?

Greetings my friends,

Like many of you who understand the 1948 return of the natural Jews to their God-given homeland to be the fulfillment of Bible prophecy which began the countdown of the "last" days, I am amazed, frustrated, and somewhat bewildered by the actions of President Bush and Secretary Rice at Annapolis last November. For they continue to insist that a two state solution is the only path for peace between the Palestinians and Israel.

Furthermore, I know that several well-known prophecy teachers have met with Bush and Rice over the years since 9/11, warning them that a nuclear World War III begins when Russia, Iran, and other Moslem nations invade Israel, causing one-fourth of mankind to perish. Some of these teachers think America will be destroyed from coast to coast in this war or right before it, leaving Israel alone against the rest of the world. The latest news from the nuclear armed Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, only proves that fear of a nuclear war is driving the policies of America and its allies. I have said and written many times over the years that the world will be brought to the brink of a nuclear nightmare becoming reality and then the infamous Antichrist will establish peace between the Islamic, Christian, and Jewish people.

One of at least three things is happening here when Bush and Rice continue to offer an Islamic Palestinian state in the heart of Israel where all Jews, both living and dead, are to be "ethnically cleansed" from their land as they were in Gaza. The hypocrisy of this is maddening when you hear Bush and Rice appealing to all ethnic groups in other war-torn nations to find ways to live and accept one another, and their differences, in the spirit of freedom and democracy.

President Bush has declared that a comprehensive settlement is to be finalized by the end of 2008. The next major summit or conference in this Annapolis process is to be held in Russia. America's cold war opponent for a generation, is now becoming a peacemaker. What an astounding turn of events. I have been writing for thirty years now that the day would come when Russia and America, the two "little horns" of Daniel's prophecies, would bring an "ecumenical" peace to the nations that averts the horror of a nuclear World War III.

The first of three conclusions is that Bush and Rice have rejected the "literal" interpretation of the Jewish prophecies of World War III over Israel that was presented to them, and have secretly joined with the oil-rich Moslems in the dismantling, destruction, and betrayal of the Jewish state. If this conclusion is correct they have determined that Israel as a "Jewish" state has caused the world too many problems and its very existence is a threat to their plans for a New World Order, or as some would interpret, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. To them, God's land promises to the natural Jews in the Old Testament were given to the Gentiles when the Jews rejected Jesus Christ.

The second conclusion is similar to the first in that Bush and Rice have become religiously delusional by thinking Moslems, Christians, and Jews can reform their own hearts and religions to join with others in producing an "Alliance of Civilizations" that establishes peace among all nations. We all should know by now that it is impossible to remove the hate, pride, and self-exalting lusts that are in everyone's heart at birth, which influence every decision we make in this life, even that which we think is right and good. Only Jesus Christ has the power to give us new hearts that are free from the control of our sin nature. All men can do apart from Jesus is soften or harden the intensity of the sin that is within us, that condemns mankind to an eternal Hell.

Moreover, Annapolis was used to isolate and target Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas with Osama Bin Laden as the main proponents of radical Islam, thereby giving so-called "moderate" Islamic nations attending Annapolis a cover to join America in deterring or even destroying these deadly radicals. This too would constitute a rejection of the Jewish prophecies in that Russia is not targeted for deterrence or destruction, but is invited to join in the alliance against the radicals. This all means certain war with Iran and its friends unless the Iranian leadership is changed from within or the current regime change their minds, knowing they have no hope in defeating even an over-extended American military machine, so they decide to join the peace process. Does that mean Iran's hard-line President would take back his words to..."wipe Israel off the map"? You would think so. This monumental change of either leadership or attitude would even include their agreement with America and Israel for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple next to the Dome of the Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount. Wouldn't that bring about rejoicing in this world as the threat of a nuclear war is finally over? But is it really over or just treacherously postponed?

The third conclusion is that Bush and Rice, having been warned by Christian prophecy teachers, agree with their outline of coming events in the Holy Land, and in conjunction with Jewish leaders decided to bluff and offer the Moslems "the moon" if they will only accept a tiny Israel as a "Jewish" state. This would mean they have concluded Islam is incapable of ever reforming itself into accepting a Jewish state, because by doing so would be dishonoring and disobeying Allah and their prophet Mohammed. Agreeing to and signing a temporary "hudna" or truce to re-group and re-arm is one thing for fundamentalist Moslems, but telling all the world they accept a permanent Jewish state in the land they consider their own is out of the question according to Bush and Rice. But what if these Islamic leaders believe Allah allows them to lie and deal treacherously in order to seduce their Jewish enemies, then attack them later when their guard is down?

This bluff also means Bush and Rice are pre-empting the coming Russian/Islamic invasion (World War III) of Israel thinking this will hold back the establishment of the coming Antichrist, who they have been told will come from Islam or Europe, who is sympathetic to Islam and has a history of persecuting the Jewish people. For when the Islamic states reject Bush's unbelievably generous offer and blame it on Israel, and refuse to "sign" their names before all the cameras of the nations, more Islamic terrorism is sure to begin. This will give Israel and America all the justification they need in the eyes of the world to once and for all take down the Islamic terror machine, and by force and regime change reform the Islamic religion and nation-states that refused to sign the Peace Covenant.

By striking Iran and Syria before they are ready with Russia to invade Israel, they think they are pre-empting and stopping World War III, which Bush has warned might happen if Iran is allowed to possess nuclear weapons. Once again, what if Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas change their minds after consulting with Russia, and decide to join the peace process started at Annapolis? How will Bush, Rice, Israel, and the prophecy teachers react if their bluff is called?

Whatever conclusion of the three is true or mixture thereof, there is coming soon to the Holy Land a Peace Covenant which will be signed by Syria, Iran, Russia, and many others, that allows for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. The most important and powerful signature will be that of the last American President, and then many, including Jews, will "begin" to look at him as the Savior or Messiah of the nations. Some in the Moslem world will look upon the Russian President as the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah. To all of them the Kingdom of Heaven has begun with the "spirits" of Jesus and Allah working together through the American and Russian presidents. Know this, if this Peace Covenant is signed next year it will only take place if the Lord Jesus Christ has removed his restraining hand, allowing Satan and his fallen angels to establish their counterfeit Kingdom of Heaven.

Remember, the combined power of the precious blood and second coming of Jesus Christ is the "only" permanent solution to the deception, death, and destruction that men and governments inflict upon one another to the hideous delight of their fallen angel masters. The God who created and loves you wants you to soften your heart and experience sorrow of a Godly kind that works repentance unto the salvation of your heart, mind, and body, 2 Corinthians 7:10. He will replace your genuine sorrow with his joy by giving you a new heart full of his faith and truth! He will live within you! This is the heart of the New Testament teachings from which all things become new in our inner man. Once this happens you will desire to obey the God of Israel because you love him, knowing that he first loved you and sent his Son to save you from your sins and the bondage of the fallen angels.

This message of love and salvation is offered to President Bush and Secretary Rice as the Lord Jesus shed his blood for all people. Therefore, it is wrong for any of us to "despise" or dishonor the civil leaders who are temporarily allowed by God to rule the nations. We honor them as souls for whom Jesus died, but not the sinful and rebellious behavior they are carrying out among the nations. The old the sinner and hate their something we all need to remember, don't you think?

When the conference at Annapolis was taking place I remembered an article I wrote almost three years ago that addressed this situation. It is posted on our web site and was titled "Solomon is Calling, Part 2...Prophecy, Jews, and Terri Schiavo. I have copied it below.

Your eternal friend,

P.S. If you drop by my web site please let me know by signing the "guestbook" or dropping me an email. Thank you for reading this and I hope to hear from you soon. Again, if you have any interest in current world events, please consider reading my articles “The Judgment Chronicles” and “The Fundamentalist" posted on our web site. And if you want to read about my military background, please read the articles "Pacifist, Patriot, or Pilgrim" and “Moved with Compassion”. As well as this article, I have also posted the last five letters or articles, "The Mahdi is Coming", "Reactions to: Pacifist, Patriot, or Pilgrim", "The Evangelical Subculture", "Honoring Veterans: The Centurion and Cornelius", and "American Folly" to the web site. Just click on my link above and click on “Articles”. The radio interviews I have been part of can be listened to by clicking on this link:


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