Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The truth about Bush's visit to Israel.

The truth about Bush's visit to Israel.
Posted: Wednesday, January 02, 2008
- written by jerry golden


It’s being reported that during Bush’s visit here next week that it will not be the IDF, Mossad, Israeli Police or Shem Bet who protects him in Ramallah but Abbas’s Fatah Organization. That means that Bush will be surrounded by terrorists from the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade an organization on the US terrorists list. A terrorist group within Fatah that has killed more Israelis than Hamas has. Bush’s protector will be Abbas the head of the PLO and other terrorist organizations.

This brings up an obvious observation, why would the PLO, Fatah, Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade want to keep Bush alive. But then the answer is also obvious and I hope you haven’t missed it. They know that it is only through Bush and his Saudi Peace Plan (Road Map) that they have any chance of destroying Israel. They know it, we know it and everyone who cares to know it understands what Bush is trying to accomplish and why.

What is also disturbing is there are still so many “Christians” in the US who are Bush supporters. The reason it is so disturbing is if they are “Christians” then they have or should have read God’s Word the Bible and know what happens to any nation or person who comes against Jerusalem or Israel. The truth is their concern is not their relationship with God but their misguided trust in a government that has gone astray. Their god is not the God of the Bible, but material things, they know the Prophetic Word of God yet they will only accept that which is pleasing and feeds their bellies. While Pastors stand behind pulpits every Sunday and preach messages that deny the truth of the reality of Israel and God’s Word, preaching a message of replacement theology, more interested in keeping their high paying salary and entertaining the congregation with programs and building projects while the rest of the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

There are still many true Believers in God’s Word and know Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah but for the most part they lack the conviction to stand up for what they believe. As Islam moves forward killing Believers around the world by the tens of thousands daily they somehow believe it won’t come to them, but they are mistaken. For even as you read this Islam the Devils plan is knocking on their front doors.

God is not only concerned about what you say and do where you live, but if you know His Word you know you should love and support Israel for it is the Jew and Israel He has chosen to bring His Word and final acts to the Human Race, for God will certainly stand true to His Word and He will bless those who bless Israel and curse them who curse Israel. Gen. 12:3.

As for the US and President Bush, judgment is coming and it won’t be long. You should be thanking God every day for giving you another chance to act on what you believe and bless God by being obedient to His call on you life.

As we look for nuclear or chemical attacks in the US Cities we may be over looking another real possibility of destroying the US economy. It has occurred to me that there must be a reason that Bush suddenly pulled back from calling Iran a nuclear threat. He has openly stated that his intelligence for the past few years has been wrong and that Iran has stopped building the bomb several years ago. This is what I think has happened for what that is worth. Russia has told Bush that if he attacks Iran they would consider it an attack on Russia. China has told bush that if he attacks Iran they will call in all their debt and drop all the dollars they now hold, and that would be disaster to the US economy and cause bankruptcy. And a country with all its troops over seas and in total bankruptcy could not fight such a war. Bush now has found himself caught between his friends the Saudis and the threats of Russia and China all this spells the end for the USA. The bottom line is you best do what you can with what you have and I wouldn’t wait around to long in doing it. But better advice would be to get on your face before God and ask Him what He would have you do.

For those of us who have been called by the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to a ministry we best have tunnel vision and be about the Father’s business. Keeping in mind that God’s timing and His ways are not ours, so don’t do anything foolish and remember that you must protect your family to the best of your ability but without God’s leading even that could cause you to do foolish things.

For me and my family and those who God has called to this Ministry we will keep going forward for we have heard very clearly from God and know we must save those who we can. We need to purchase the larger boat and if those reading this would reach deep in their pockets that could be a reality in time, if not we will do the best we can with what we now have. God knows each of us and more important He knows our hearts so if you have done what you believe to be all you can do, God will be pleased with you, success is not measured in heaven as it is here on earth.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden


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